Freedom Journey

This blog was revised to represent a more aware place in my life that I delight to share with others.

There is no particular structured content contained here -- just what I'm inspired to express about an assortment of topics.

Refuse to be prisoners of your perceptions. Cast away nonsense traditions. Freedom resides in authentic and proven truths.

REAL truth is freedom! And laughter is sure good for the soul.


Photos on this blog are Copyright 2015 - S. Hicks

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Friday, March 28, 2014

Messages of Strength

Hi -

- One Size Doesn't Fit All

One MAIN question is -- how do we respond to the inevitable land mines in our lives?  How do we play the hands that are dealt us?  The good news is that there are aces in every deck.  But we know that the jokers run wild.  Go for the aces; play those babies with all the gusto that you know how to muster.

  - Public Displays 

What's up with the numerous photos that women post with their behinds poked out in suggestive and provocative poses?  Ain't it a trip that more than a few of those behinds are fake booties that have been artificially enhanced -- sometimes to disproportionate sizes?  The blow-up backsides sure get attention; the issue is the TYPE of attention that they draw.  Why on earth do those women believe that such is authentically attractive?  On the real, it's NOT positive.

- Strong Holds of Ignorance 
How many times have we been prisoners of our perceptions?  How many times have we "dug in our heels" and refused to budge from our "solid" stands?  And how many times have we been wrong?