Attention, Attention
- The Empire snack bar closes 15 minutes before show time. Please get your snacks before then 'cause the snack bar crew will be heading to the back room to watch Empire, and ain't none of them coming out to serve nobody after closing.
- For those who experience shortness of breath due to show content, oxygen masks are hanging near the restrooms.
- For those who experience heart thumping during heightened scenes in the show, please dial 1-800-Empire EMT.
- Please turn your cell phones on vibrate during the show. Don't nobody want to hear your damn ring tones during show time.
- Please don't bring BeBe's kids to the Empire viewing.
- Bag checks will be done by Debo's partner, June Bug. So please don't think you're gonna sneak snacks in. Prices are reasonable in consideration of our current economy.
Violators of the above will be escorted out by Debo, and he don't play.
Further, the violation penalty includes that you won't be able to watch the next episode of Empire. And if you get smart about the first penalty phase, you'll be deprived of another episode of Empire.
There is no appeal process.
Thank you. Enjoy the show.
- For those who experience heart thumping during heightened scenes in the show, please dial 1-800-Empire EMT.
- Please turn your cell phones on vibrate during the show. Don't nobody want to hear your damn ring tones during show time.
- Please don't bring BeBe's kids to the Empire viewing.
- Bag checks will be done by Debo's partner, June Bug. So please don't think you're gonna sneak snacks in. Prices are reasonable in consideration of our current economy.
Violators of the above will be escorted out by Debo, and he don't play.
Further, the violation penalty includes that you won't be able to watch the next episode of Empire. And if you get smart about the first penalty phase, you'll be deprived of another episode of Empire.
There is no appeal process.
Thank you. Enjoy the show.